greasy conversation woz supposedly custom electronic music midi controller devices

midi game controller for music

🎛 #diy live #midi interface stuffed with an #arduino #promicro 🎚 the oled screen tattles what i have it doing to #ableton 🔊 the left lever is turning up a drum layer made by #sampling the #netflix #sound 🎧 a toy helicopter that squirted water donated the controller 🎮 a Sharp optical distance sensor on top controlled the muffling in the beginning.

also, if you press all the buttons down, there’s a hidden pong game easter egg.

#midicontroller #midiinterface #lofibeats #triphop #futurebass #custommusic #diymusic #onlineisthenewFM

thanks @sparkfun and especially @kickeraudio for providing the headphones

CONTINUEmidi game controller for music

greasy conversation woz supposedly custom electronic music midi controller devices

c h e a t e r – b o x

 cheater box shows the #midi notes going on, #keyboard layout and in #guitartab
) follow 4 more art music gizmos, share 2 support sorcery #🤖 (
#lofibeats and #futurebass goes in, gets split, and one output gets remapped the peculiar way the #volcasample needs. That remap job was all it did at first, with just an #arduino and a #midishield but then a deal on an LCD came by and it was time to stack ‘em. #🎚
We’re already finding strange new #guitar licks by just tumblin through the green indicated spots on-screen. and no one has to fully learn our bops to join in. it’s a cheap touch-screen so you’ll have to trust that it looks clearer in person. the clear box is what sony action cams are sold in. plastic animals as mounting hardware, for versatility.

CONTINUEc h e a t e r – b o x

greasy conversation woz supposedly custom electronic music midi controller devices

LED Blinky Guitar

LEDs in a ‘Squire II’ #electricguitar triggered by a magnetometer that detects movement like a compass. #🎸 Originally used a circuit my dad made me to play with in 89 at 6yo. By high school in the late 90s i bought the first white and blue LEDs to appear at RadioShack and drilled some holes. The wire is from an old Univac computer. there are 12 LEDs, two of which are bi-color red/green. I didn’t have an accelerometer lying around, maybe next time, but this works to make the sparkle match my moves for the most part. used every pin on the #arduino#promicro#🎛 the old circuit died, but not before i played with it in Rooftop Ridicule and Wax Pig Melting. nicks from hitting cymbals with the headstock.

note the lil red killswitch, it doesn’t short the signal to ground the normie way, it shorts the lugs on the tone pot, so it’s less poppy but still pulses nicely. almost wah ish.

there’s some rudimentary midi response too, but it’s kinda lame.


greasy conversation woz supposedly custom electronic music midi controller devices

Digitech Rebuild

major surgery on a @digitechfx Vocal 300 courtesy Justin Anderson #🎛 love the #2001 back to the future LED display. xlr jacks were dead, but they just needed to have the solder re-melted (whew i feared one of the little opamp chips on the board with them died) had to replace most of the pots because the numbers super-jiggled, AND the little dome switches for the pedals were shot. i only had 4-pin buttons so they had to replace the old 2-pin ones diagonally. No autotune on this old fella, and hella termite whammy pedal style pitch shifting. #🎚
do u remember these Audio DNA chips? this thing was made in my graduation year and it’s such a sick color so i feel a bond with it. plus it’s nice to have a dedicated thing to eq, comp, delay, and reverb my garbage vocs before the looper. my evolving hardware performance rig is all about as many mastering layers as practical on a live arrangement.
oh also the foot control wah kinda pedal on it uses a Hall Effect sensor instead of a pot to wear out, that’s really smart, magnet sensor time.
aaaaand i used center-detent pots, that click in the middle, which didn’t end up lined up with the exact middle, more like between 49 and 50, so i don’t recommend this. 😂

CONTINUEDigitech Rebuild

greasy conversation woz supposedly custom electronic music midi controller devices

1987 Aphex Aural Exciter Reversible Mod

#1987#Aphex#AuralExciter Type C #teardown and reversible mod to add aux jacks. I used the same holes that held the transformer and moved it away with doubletape, so this can go back to stock, don’t sweat it.
#🎛 This is basically a warm tuned overdrive, like the Saturator in Ableton.
#🎚 The original could only be rented at great price, but this later consumer model can be had under a hundo.
#🎶 Made in North Hollywood CA. Unlike my ‘drill’ pictured if you swipe left, with revolutionary Tape Chuck™️
#🔊 Notice the knobs and jacks are not mounted to the chassis, and all force is transferred to the weaker circuit board, which is held in with plastic clips. The knobs can wiggle in a way that doesn’t inspire confidence.
✔️ Always scratch an old surface up before trying to solder to it. High heat short duration on these old jacks, no time to melt the cheese plastic.
#🎧 High harmonics trick you into hearing more loudness and presence. Like tube clean, or tape saturation, but it’s own kinda aluminum 80’s version. Some volume compression occurs too, so when the Mix knob adds back the dry signal we get a lil bit of New York compression for free too.

CONTINUE1987 Aphex Aural Exciter Reversible Mod