☑First Mashup Vegas, woz is working his way through the creme of local music, this is just the beginning, you’re next. ☑

number10:00 Vocal sample by @lawn-mower-death-riders from the track Life and Death of George
Drum samples by @coopmusic247 Richard Cooper and Danke
1:05 Synth and piano live by Woz Supposedly, drums by Danke
1:20 brums by big dawayne
3:45 Vocal samples and glitches by @angelakerfoot from her guest appearance with @greasy-conversation Live at Forgotten City 2015
3:50 Synth by Woz Supposedly from the track Miamly
4:35 Drums by Joe Funktastic
5:05 Drums by Fnkynassau
5:35 “Access Granted, Please Enter” by Lawn Mower Death Riders
9:15 Vocals by Richard Cooper @coopmusic247
12:00 Drum elements by Loony Goon



Photo includes Lawn Mower Death Riders album cover for Dead Grass, Richard Cooper’s face, Ang layer credit Magliris Photography, edit by Woz