🌲 Big old tree recorded Earth’s magnetic field go haywire
⚫️ Invisible planet 9 may be a tiny black hole orbiting our sun
πŸš™ Rogue airport vehicle does doughnuts without a driver
πŸ§Ÿβ€β™€οΈ Panic patient prepped for trauma due to realistic zombie makeup
⚑️ But wait, black holes might not exist, and these alt-holes might contain all the dark energy we were looking for
πŸ›° this and more on the last day in this time slot!

next week we are live Saturday 12th 9pm.

That’s β€œSaturday Nine Live” to remember it by from now on.

πŸ“ƒ Links, show notes, and sources:
dive, yourself, with our LIVE NEWS DOC

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