✝️ E-rosary, the Vatican’s new smart fitness rosary – already hacked
πŸ₯š 3D printed hemp homes – look like dinosaur nuggets
🐎 Teen eats her own horse after it was put down – says it was the β€˜best meat ever’
πŸ”« Kid brings a g-word to school – teacher hugs him back into society
πŸ™ Artificial skin case makes phone ticklish – extreme version of Apple’s 3D touch?
πŸ•³ Personal at-home vinyl record cutting machine
πŸ“Ί Sleeping with the TV on makes you fat
πŸ“‘ Hella headlines this week with Jon Bonham Fox

πŸ“ƒ Links, show notes, and sources:
the real dirt we dug up for the show is all piled into our LIVE NEWS DOC

new time slot, remember it by muttering angrily to yourself β€œSaturday Nine Live”

🎧 headphones courtesy Kicker Personal Audio #kicker check out the other rad shows on Radio Vegas Rocks #onilneisthenewFM #talkradio #newsradio #newspodcast #newshumor #humorpodcast #sciencepodcast #animalpodcast #wildlifenews #technews #sciencenews #sciencehumor