πŸ›° Quantum Teleportation From Space
🐊 Florida woman pulls alligator out of her pants during traffic stop
πŸ›© Telescope in a plane, able to confirm the big bang’s first ever molecular bond
🀧 3D Printed Lungs
🐘 The Incelelephant
πŸ“• The Folding PC
πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎ The average American worker takes less vacation time than a medieval peasant
πŸ“‘ these stories and more with Jordan Best Grim from #Fadedandelevated another show on http://RadioVegas.Rocks

live notes here

Devindust live minecraft n music here: https://www.youtube.com/user/devindurst
(Meadows Sessions was the thing with Woz on it)