🚂 Train carrying grenades and bombs derailed in Nevada 
🐿 Alabama suspect kept meth-fueled ‘attack squirrel’
💇‍♀️ Russian poker star with engineering degree suspiciously dies from ‘faulty hair dryer’ 
🚗 Tesla update lets you steer a driving game with the car’s steering wheel 
😈 20k+ Christians sign a petition to Netflix to cancel a show they feels glorifies Satan. This show is not on Netflix 
🌕 organic molecules appeared to form on the dwarf planet Ceres, not arrive from an asteroid or comet strike 
📡 these stories and more with Jordan Best Grim

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headphones courtesy Kicker Personal Audio #kicker Radio Vegas Rocks #onilneisthenewFM #talkradio #newsradio #newspodcast #newshumor #humorpodcast #sciencepodcast #animalpodcast #technews — with Daniel WilliamsGreg BrownArturo ChavezJoseph Wozniak and Jordan Best Grim at Radio Vegas Rocks.