🎼 Rush keyboard tech Jack Secret and veteran music journalist/host Jon Bonham Fox talk rock first hand
πŸ“€ Disk Man heroically demonstrates Italian engineering
πŸ”΄ Exoplanet discovered with iron rain
🐩 Spotify playlist for dogs
πŸ• Somalis use Hyenas to fight depression/mental illness
πŸ“Ό 90’s VHS tapes drop on the Internet Archive by the thousands – Retro nostalgia for those stuck at home
πŸ› We won’t muddy the water with our takes on modello mania, we have your two-hour break from anything health-related this week

πŸ“ƒ Links, show notes, and sources:

🎧 headphones courtesy Kicker Personal Audio #kicker check out the other rad shows on Radio Vegas Rocks #onilneisthenewFM #talkradio #newsradio #newspodcast #newshumor #humorpodcast #sciencepodcast #animalpodcast #wildlifenews #technews #sciencenews #sciencehumor