🛰Literal family on the cast today, Ang Kerfoot puts a spin on Melania’s careless jacket and the real person FLOTUS likely intended to offend, tune in to catch an insight you can’t un-catch. There’s light-hearted news as well, you can now use your phone normally during takeoff and landing legally in the EU, but new copyright laws may make memes basically plagiarism in Europe. Back to bad news, supposedly it’s a “deterrent” for Mexicans immigrating “the wrong way” but the sad truth is the ‘immigrants’ we are jailing are almost entirely refugees displaced by civil war in Honduras, Guatemala, and Venezuela. In Honduras alone, there are more homicides per-capita than if Las Vegas had 2 instances of the Route 91 shooting every month. Just saying, if we were born in Honduras, we’d be trying to get over here too, and if the US supposedly has record low unemployment, perhaps we can hire them instead of jailing them. But then again we jail about as many people as China and Brazil put together, the countries with the second and third post people in prison respectively. Weighted per-capita, we jail 5x as many people as England, which is about in the middle. Sorry, this last rant isn’t even in today’s show, we are just amped up on longtime sponsor Zipfizz, and excited about our new headphone sponsor, Kicker!