🍻 Archaeologists in China discover a 2,000-year-old immortality elixir in the tomb of a dead person
📼 Australia’s Last Blockbuster is closing, leaving only one left in the world
🐠 Rare giant fish washes up on the wrong hemisphere
🍦 Ice cream preferences of famous people throughout history
🛏 Police called on cardboard cutout of the ‘My Pillow” guy, moustached and clutching his pillow in the cold
🐻 Woman arrested after training squirrels to attack her ex-husband

📟 it looks like I spent a creepy amount of time on this pic, but really this dude just had this much interesting stuff to use that it just came together. let’s hear it for the pictures-not-touching-land champ Joshua Chévere Cohen​ of Prickly Pear Marketing​ & Candy Warpop​

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