Ang Kerfoot 📡 Live Discography with Commentary 🛰

We’re going to listen to multiple eras and bands worth of Ang Kerfoot with her commentary and backstory. From international colabs to local adventures, we have quite a journey in store for you. Put on your psychedelic headphones and get ready for feels. Sunday 4-6pm

CONTINUEAng Kerfoot 📡 Live Discography with Commentary 🛰

live performance of interactive futurebass powerchill jambs

Come see us make mind altering bass patterns. Provoke standing waves with distance-sensors. You can move your hands over these sensors to help me tame the heady dank triphop beats.

We are demonstrating some new devices this saturday night Oct 26, 11:59pm at ReBar on Main st.
come two hours earlier for a cozy jazzy house set with live instruments by Sojourner

CONTINUElive performance of interactive futurebass powerchill jambs